Wednesday, September 15, 2010

sweet and sour are not to be mixed

At my house (U.S.) conserving dishes is a big deal.  I never use more than one fork or plate during any meal, since inevitably I will be washing them later.  It's been over two weeks since I've had to wash dishes, but I'm still used to using the same plate and fork throughout my meal.  

Today when I tried putting fruit onto the plate that I used for my lunch, my host mom and sister went crazy and started speaking extremely fast about how the flavors can't be mixed, salt and sugar is no good at all, and so on.  They immediately brought me a completely new plate and fork for the fruit, which I was all prepared to eat with my first fork.  They also tend to use dishes when it really isn't necessary.  Whenever I have a banana, they give it to me on a plate.  Then my host mom started going on about another girl she hosted who loved the "bizarre" combination of peanut butter and bananas (salty and sweet)...I added that not only do I survive on peanut butter and bananas at home, I also eat it on las manzanas (apples).  

Sidenote- whatever I had for lunch was amazing.  Somehow she made cauliflower edible by combining it with potatos, tomatoes, hard boiled egg pieces, and a white cream sauce with even more cheese melted on top.  


  1. oh nooo... I guess I wouldn't last in Spain... sweet and sour/sweet and salty are two of my most favorite flavors!!! Interesting that they insist flavors can't be mixed!

  2. Tony Bourdain was in Madrid on Monday's new episode. It was pretty good. Ate and drank himself to oblivion as usual. He discussed Spanish politics a bit. Pretty interesting hearing the opinions of many people that lived through hard times.

  3. Yes, cauliflower was edible. I don't think I had ever even tried it before, but covered with cheese helps to hide the actual flavor I think.

    I really need to find the food channel in spanish.. I managed to find spongebob today though (Bob Espoja)
