Thursday, July 7, 2011

things that seemed ordinary at the time...

It's been almost a year since my first blog post where I was seriously doubting my capability of traveling to another county and setting up a new life for 4 months.  What I wouldn't give to be back in that position now.  It seems strange how nervous I was to go to Spain, and how much I would love to be able to go back right now.  Every time I look at pictures or talking to my friends I met there, I'm reminded of how amazing an experience it was.  Sometimes thinking about it makes me scared that I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have when I was there, but that's not how I want to remember it.  If anything the experience has given me even more ambition to find a way back there some day, whether it is for working temporarily or just a short trip.  

I was thinking about all of the things I miss about Valencia, and it's probably a very long list, but I feel like I need to get them down on paper (or in a blog). 

-Mercadona and all of it's wonderful, inexpensive chocolate and chocolate filled things and juices.
-Gulliver playground
-Llao Llao frozen yogurt (although not as much now that I have my own Tosa replacement!)
-The río- grass paths to run on, fountains, people watching, swan lake, el estadio de turía, palm trees
-city of arts and sciences- such an awesome place and never gets boring just to sit and stare at
-paying 6 euro for a plane ticket to italy
-being able to go to a different country for a weekend
-valencian fireworks (epic)
-the white calatrava bridge
-exploring downtown valencia
-fanta limón
-tortilla española
-chocolate filled cereal
-pretty much all of my host mom's cooking
-my spanish madre!
-my professors and their crazy attempts at speaking english
-the nightlife
-churros con chocolate
-walking everywhere and never getting tired of it
-seeing how crazy people are about soccer
-spanish newspapers
-the perfect weather every day
-being 2 miles from the ocean
-the old mixed with new architecture
-trying to understand spanish television
-finding new places that I've never seen before
-spanish bread! every meal. every day. 

I could probably come up with a lot more things if I sat forever and thought about it, but I think that just about covers it.  
With any luck someday I will get a chance to revisit some of these things. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that Valencia would be worth revisiting - take me with you!!!

