Wednesday, November 24, 2010

city biking? no, gracias

Who knew that riding a bike in Valencia would be so challenging?! I must have looked crazy or at least like I had no clue how to ride a bike.  My intercambio met me tonight riding one of the Valenbici's (valencia "bici") that can be rented for a yearly rate because of all the cars and traffic for the soccer game.  So I thought it would be fun to try riding it back to where he had to return it, about 3 blocks away.  
It was a challenging 3 blocks- all of the people walking to the stadium, cars parked everywhere, crosswalks...I just focused on trying not to hit anything.  The bikes are different than normal bikes.  They are heavier on the front (plus there is a basket) so mine just kept swerving all over the place because I wasn't going fast enough to stay balanced.  It's a good thing I walk everywhere, I don't think I possess enough hand-eye coordination to successfully steer a bike around in this city.  

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