Friday, November 26, 2010

what would you do for 20,000 euro?

So there is this thing in front of Nuevo Centro (the mall) here called La Casa de Cristal, and it is basically a dorm-room sized house made of glass with two people living in it.  For 33 days the entire world can see everything they do, and if they make it 33 days without leaving they get 20,000 euro.  They had never met each other before this contest, and now they are basically the same as animals on display in a zoo.  

I'm not sure what the point of the contest is besides giving away 20,000 euro, but it seems pretty creepy to me that people just stand and watch what you do all day.  I've walked past a couple times, I've seen the girl on her laptop and this morning when I was there they were both sleeping (yes, I did feel like a major creep while taking pictures).  Not being able to leave would also be difficult, 33 days is a LONG time to be stuck in a place this small. 

Here's your answer to the first thing you thought about when reading this: how do they shower? 
I'm not sure if I'd be able to do this...but 20,000 euro is a lot of money to earn in 33 days for basically doing nothing.

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