Wednesday, November 10, 2010

55 degrees?? time to break out the jackets and scarves

I met with my intercambio for the first time in over a month tonight, and I definitely think my spanish has improved since the last time we met (it would be kind of depressing if that didn't happen...).  I was able to carry on a pretty good conversation with the words seeming to come to me without thinking.  He showed me around his old university and then we drove to the Mediterranean, which I did not realize was only about a three minute drive from where I live.  Probably because I'm never in cars here and usually walk everywhere.  

It was really pretty to see the Mediterranean at night (and to actually see stars!) when we walked out on some kind of pier to see the entire city.  He seemed to think it was cold when we were out on that pier, and I had to explain to him that if I were in Wisconsin now and it was 55 degrees, I probably wouldn't have even had my coat on.  Valencia has turned me into a wimp when it comes to temperatures, and it will probably be funny to see how ridiculously cold I am when I get back.  I don't even want to imagine the freezing cold 6 a.m track practices that are in my future...

1 comment:

  1. What is your intercambio's name? Where is he from? I meet mine again this Sunday... I plan to show her your blog... (:

    Keep up the great writing.. your uncle Fred admires your writing too!
