Thursday, September 9, 2010

week 1 completed

Outside the museums on another perfectly sunny day.
There hasn't been too many new things to report here.  I have 2 more classes today and then I will probably work on some homework and go for a run.  Once again, it is extremely warm and sunny.  I was amused last night while watching the weather report and seeing how the rest of Europe was cloudy, some rain, and then they got to Spain and there was nothing but little suns all over the country.  It has been 85 and sunny the entire week that I have been here, but supposedly on Sunday we might get some clouds.  I shouldn't complain about this, especially since I tend to be cold all of the time, but when you are living in an apartment that has no air conditioning and only uses fans at night, 85 degrees gets old.  

Yesterday I ventured back to the central part of the city with all of the shops and cafes.  I've been making a mental list of things that I want to try soon- Horchata, which is some kind of white drink that is unique to Valencia.  It is made with some kind of root plant (chufas) and other things.  I see people drinking it a lot in el centro.  Also paella, of course.  There are so many different varieties here and all of them look delicious.  I tried some kind of café, but I don't think I will ever enjoy the taste of coffee.  

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